Whether you are looking for pain management, training recovery, improved physical performance, injury rehab or weight loss, Fascial Stretch Therapy may be the answer.
Reach your optimal fitness level with the guidance of Sandy Piccolo, a globally recognized Canfitpro Personal Trainer.
Life Stretch starts in the standing position and proceeds with movements that are an assessment of how the self feels with movements that should be easy, free and fluid. The reward is not only feeling and seeing a progressive increase in movement but also experiencing the sense of physical, mental and emotional wellbeing that accompanies it.
LifeStretch is a mobility-stretch class that is designed to help your individual clients or group members become more flexible in body, mind and spirit so that they feel not only more functionally mobile, but also more capable to deal with the physical and mental demands of their lives.
Are You Golf Ready?
Improve your golf swing this season with the magical effects of Fascial Stretch Therapy! Increased flexibility, a reduction in aches and pains, and improvement in your range of motion and athletic performance are just some of the many benefits this therapy provides all golfers, regardless of skill level.

“I have been to chiropractors and massage therapists and found the fascial stretch sessions with Sandy worked deeper into my hips and shoulders. I felt such an improvement after my first session.” Sharon